We believe long-term vision is more important than short-term gain.
Free Range’s Executive Management Team brings complementary experience and skills to meet the everyday challenges of nonprofit professional association management.
As professionals who have spent most of our careers in the nonprofit world, we understand not only how nonprofits can serve the public, but also how they can do so with efficiency, imagination, and effectiveness. We are a for-profit business with a nonprofit perspective.
Chris Crosser, president
Chris, leads the day-to-day operations of our business, and serves as Associate Director for our management clients.
At Free Range, she focuses on communications, constituent relationship management, and back-office functions, including website development and maintenance, and computer software support.
She is well versed in working with people from all walks of life, from program staff and community volunteers to museum directors and librarians to college administrators and professors to artists and writers to corporate leaders and philanthropists.
When she is not working, Chris enjoys reading mystery novels to her cats, who always knows whodunit before her.
Reach Chris at chris@strongnonprofits.com or 360-734-3166.
Kirk Roberts, vice president
At Free Range, Kirk is in charge of client development, and serves as Executive Director for our management clients.
He has served in an executive director role for professional associations for 20 years. He has more than 30 years of experience in the nonprofit sector. He can provide long-term management as well as short-term transitional leadership. Organizations under Kirk's stewardship exemplify financial stability, high Board functioning, and creative programming.
Kirk has also served as a consultant to various nonprofits, helping conduct Board retreats and trainings, design programs, and coordinate organizational growth strategies.
Kirk’s experience in the nonprofit world covers the areas of healthcare, the arts, and higher education. This eclectic background provides a wide base for understanding the needs of the diverse nonprofits in our community. Kirk’s expertise runs the gamut of nonprofit management, from articulating mission and vision statements to coordinating Board functions, from managing budgets to soliciting donations, from handling member inquiries to coordinating events with national speakers.
In his off hours, Kirk is sports fanatic. Go Red Sox!
Reach Kirk at kirk@strongnonprofits.com or 360-734-3166.